10 Maret 2001

PsyBNC command

Operator Commands: Master
Bots Channel Commands>

!noping - This command eliminates ping timeouts.
!antitalk - Allows only bot operators and protected users
to talk in a channel.
!at - This is the Auto-Talk. Every how many seconds
you specify the bot says a random sentence.
!definition - When someone says brb or another abbreviation,
the bot will give the definition of the term.
!trivgame - Turns The Trivia Game On/Off
!ps - Turns the Personality mode on/off
!birthday - Turns The Birthday Mode On/Off
!sn - Turns The Seen Mode On/Off
!hl - Turns The Higher Lower Game On/Off (fill in the number you want the higher/lower game's range to be (!hl on 400 would set the number to be guessed between 1-400)
!hp - Turns The Hot Potato Game On/Off
!fortune - Turns The Eightball Mode On/Off
!bottle - Turns The Spin The Bottle On/Off
!modelinks - Turns The Add Your Own Links On/Off
!mboard - Turns The Message Board Center On/Off
!jop - Turns The Auto Op On [ops operators only]
!jvoice - Turns The Join Voice On [voices all users]
!gbook - Turns The Guestbook On/Off
!joinmode - Turns The Join Greeting On/Off
!joinset - Changes The Join Greeting Message
!joindefault - Changes The Join Greeting Message Back To
The Default Message
.say - Makes The Bot Say Anything You Want It To
(Type Command In A Query Window - or use /msg botsnamehere)
Channel Commands>

!meop - Ops Yourself
!medeop - Deops Yourself
!op - Ops The Nick You Specify
!deop - Deops The Nick You Specify
!mevoice - Voices Yourself
!medevoice - Devoices Yourself
!voice - Voices The Nick You Specify
!devoice - Devoices The Nick You Specify
!kick - Kicks The Nick You Specify
!ban - Bans The Nick You Specify
!kban - Kick And Bans The Nick You Specify
!unban - Unbans The Mask (nick@host.ip.net)
You Specify
!rlastban - Unbans The Last Nick You Banned
!ignore - Makes The Bot Ignore All Commands By The Nick You Specify
!unignore - Removes The Nickname You Specify From The Ignore List
!silence - Adds The Nickname You Specify To The Silence List
!unsilence - Removes The Nickname You Specify From The Silence List
!ping - Shows You Your Ping Reply Time
!lockchan - Makes The Channel So No One Can Enter
!unlockchan - Undoes The Channel Lock Command (above)
!chantopic - Sets The Topic For The Channel That The Bot
Is In
!topiclock - Turns The Topic Lock On/Off For A Channel
!invite - Invites Someone To The Chan You Are On
!moderatechan - Turns On Moderation For The Channel -
Auto Voices The Owner And User That Activated The Command
!unmoderatechan - Turns Off Moderation For The Channel
!privatechan - Makes The Channel A Private Channel
!unprivatechan - Turns Off The Private Channel Mode
!secretchan - Makes The Channel Secret
!unsecretchan - Turns Off The Secret Channel Mode
!passchan - Password Protects The Channel
!unpasschan - Takes Off Password Protection For The
!joinchan - Makes The Bot Join The Channel You Specify
!leavechan - Makes The Bot Exit The Channel You Specify
!leaveallchans - Makes The Bot Exit Every Channel That It's
.chanjoin - Makes The Bot Join The Channel You Specify
(Type Command In A Query Window - or use /msg botsnamehere)
.chanleave - Makes The Bot Exit The Channel You Specify
(Type Command In A Query Window - or use /msg botsnamehere)
Bots Commands>

!remember - Displays The Last Command That Was Used,
And Who Used It
!kstats - Displays How Many Times The Bot Has
Kicked/Banned People Privately/Publicly
!visitors - Displays How Many Users Have Been Seen By
The Bot
!fullstats - Displays The Bots Full Stats
!trivadmin - Opens the Trivia Admin Center so you can add questions
!pgmode - Turns the Ping Mode on/off (lets normal users use the !ping command)
!rehash - Reloads All Of The Bots Files
!botoff - Turns The Bot Off Temporairly
!boton - Turns The Bot Back On
!reload - Disconnects Then Reconnects The Bot
(solves lag problems)
!shutdown - Shuts The Bot Down
!restart - Restarts The Bot
!addassistant - Adds An Assistant To The Bots User List
!delassistant - Deletes An Assistant From The Bots User
!addjanitor - Adds A Janitor To The Bots User List
!deljanitor - Deletes A Janitor From The Bots User List
!download - Tells Where The Bot Can Be Downloaded
!redo - Makes Bot Exit Then Re-enter A Channel
You Specify
!silview - Views The Silence List
!ignview - Views The Ignore List
!clearlinks - Clears The Link List
!kreset - Clears The Kick Stats
!gbclear - Clears All Messages In The Guestbook
!mbclear - Clears All Messages In The Message Board
!hlclear - Clears All The Scores In The Higher/Lower
!seclear - Clears All Seen Files.
!trivclear - Clears All Scores In The Trivia Game
!visclear - Clears The Number Of Seen Users
.chgpass - Changes Your Password (Type Command In A Query Window - or use /msg botsnamehere)
.logout - Logs You Out (Type Command In A Query Window - or use /msg botsnamehere)
Protection Commands>

!protect - Protects The User You Specify From Kicks,
exc. (Don't Use On Operator's, They Are Automatically Protected)
!unprotect - Removes The User You Specify From The Protect List.
!comkick - Turns The Command Kick On/Off. Kicks All
Non-Operators Who Try And Use More Than 3 Commands In 30 Seconds.
!floodkick - Turns The Floodkick On/Off
!swearkick - Turns The Swearkick On/Off
!bnick - Turns The Bad Nick Kick On/Off
!bkp - Turns The Ban/Kick Protection On/Off
!dop - Turns The Deop Protection On/Off
!adk - Turns The Advertisment Kick On/Off
Make sure you type all commands that start with an exclamation point
(!) in a channel that the bot is in, and all commands that start with a
period in the msg window.

Total Bot Commands*: 171
*Some of these commands are contained within modes such as the Trivia
Game and are only accessible by the higher levels of operators of the
Copyright 1999-2001 by Matthew Holt

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