22 Maret 2001

Custom Debian kernel

Download and install kernel-source-2_2_1_2_2_1-1.deb and other needed files with dselect. Note - this assumes you are upgrading from a 2.0.38 kernel.
# cd /usr/src
# tar xvzf kernel-source-2.2.1.tar.gz -C /usr/src
# mv /usr/src/linux /usr/src/2.0.38
# mv /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.1/ /usr/src/linux/
# cd linux
# make menuconfig
The following details the selected kernel switches (M = as module, * = in kernel). Code maturity level options. Exclude Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers.
Processor type and features
* Symmetric multiprocessing support

Loadable module support
* Enable loadable module support
* Kernel module loader

General Setup
* Networking support
* PCI support
* PCI quirks
* Backward compatible /proc/pci
* System V IPC
* Sysctl support
M Kernel support a.out libraries
* Kernel support for ELF binaries
* Kernel support for MISC binaries
M Parallel port support

Plug and Play Support None

Block Devices
* Normal PC floppy disk support
* Enhanced IDE/MFM/RLL disk/cdrom/tape/floppy support
* Include IDE/ATA-2 DISK support
* Include IDE/ATAPI CDROM support
* Generic PCI IDE chipset support
* Generic PCI bus-master DMA supprt
* Use DMA by defualt when available

Networking options
* Packet socket
* Socket Filtering
* Kernel/user netlink socket
* Netlink device emulation
* Network firewall
* Unix domain sockets
* TCP/IP networking
* IP: firewalling
* IP: always defragment
* IP: transparent proxy support
* IP: Masquerading
* IP: ICMP Masquerading
* IP: TCP syncookie support
* IP: Drop source routed frames
* IP: Allow large windows

SCSI Support None

Network device support
* Network device support
M Dummy net driver support
* Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit)
* Other ISA cards
* NE2000/NE1000 support
M PPP (point to point) support

Amateur radio support None
ISDN subsystem None
CD-ROM drivers None

Character devices
* Virtual terminal
* Support for console on virtual terminal
* Standard/generic (dumb) serial support
* Unix98 PTY support
(256) maximum number of Unix98 PTY's
M Parallel printer support

* Kernel automounter support
M DOS FAT fs support
M MSDOS fs support
M VFAT (windows95) fs support
* ISO 9660 CDROM filesystem support
* /proc filesystem support
* /dev/pts filesystem for Unix98 PTYs
* Second extended fs support

Network File Systems
* NFS Filesystem support
M SMB filesystem support
M SMB Win95 bug work-around

Partition Types None

Native Language Support
M Codepage 850 (Europe)

Console drivers
* VGA Text console
* Video mode selection support

Sound None

Kernel Hacking None

Exit, Yes to 'Save Changes'
Put a floppy disk in A:, then type:
# make dep && make clean && make modules && make modules_install && make bzdisk
The compilation takes around 40 minutes on my PC (P100). After compilation, a bzImage is placed in /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot and a copy put onto a floppy disk. The file /vmlinuz is the kernel that will be booted when the PC is started with no floppy boot disk in. So, once the version on the floppy disk is working correctly, save a copy of the old kernel:
# cp /vmlinuz /vmlinuz.2.0.38
Then copy the new one over it:
# cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /vmlinuz
Then run the linux loader program:
# lilo
Now reboot!

10 Maret 2001

PsyBNC command

Operator Commands: Master
Bots Channel Commands>

!noping - This command eliminates ping timeouts.
!antitalk - Allows only bot operators and protected users
to talk in a channel.
!at - This is the Auto-Talk. Every how many seconds
you specify the bot says a random sentence.
!definition - When someone says brb or another abbreviation,
the bot will give the definition of the term.
!trivgame - Turns The Trivia Game On/Off
!ps - Turns the Personality mode on/off
!birthday - Turns The Birthday Mode On/Off
!sn - Turns The Seen Mode On/Off
!hl - Turns The Higher Lower Game On/Off (fill in the number you want the higher/lower game's range to be (!hl on 400 would set the number to be guessed between 1-400)
!hp - Turns The Hot Potato Game On/Off
!fortune - Turns The Eightball Mode On/Off
!bottle - Turns The Spin The Bottle On/Off
!modelinks - Turns The Add Your Own Links On/Off
!mboard - Turns The Message Board Center On/Off
!jop - Turns The Auto Op On [ops operators only]
!jvoice - Turns The Join Voice On [voices all users]
!gbook - Turns The Guestbook On/Off
!joinmode - Turns The Join Greeting On/Off
!joinset - Changes The Join Greeting Message
!joindefault - Changes The Join Greeting Message Back To
The Default Message
.say - Makes The Bot Say Anything You Want It To
(Type Command In A Query Window - or use /msg botsnamehere)
Channel Commands>

!meop - Ops Yourself
!medeop - Deops Yourself
!op - Ops The Nick You Specify
!deop - Deops The Nick You Specify
!mevoice - Voices Yourself
!medevoice - Devoices Yourself
!voice - Voices The Nick You Specify
!devoice - Devoices The Nick You Specify
!kick - Kicks The Nick You Specify
!ban - Bans The Nick You Specify
!kban - Kick And Bans The Nick You Specify
!unban - Unbans The Mask (nick@host.ip.net)
You Specify
!rlastban - Unbans The Last Nick You Banned
!ignore - Makes The Bot Ignore All Commands By The Nick You Specify
!unignore - Removes The Nickname You Specify From The Ignore List
!silence - Adds The Nickname You Specify To The Silence List
!unsilence - Removes The Nickname You Specify From The Silence List
!ping - Shows You Your Ping Reply Time
!lockchan - Makes The Channel So No One Can Enter
!unlockchan - Undoes The Channel Lock Command (above)
!chantopic - Sets The Topic For The Channel That The Bot
Is In
!topiclock - Turns The Topic Lock On/Off For A Channel
!invite - Invites Someone To The Chan You Are On
!moderatechan - Turns On Moderation For The Channel -
Auto Voices The Owner And User That Activated The Command
!unmoderatechan - Turns Off Moderation For The Channel
!privatechan - Makes The Channel A Private Channel
!unprivatechan - Turns Off The Private Channel Mode
!secretchan - Makes The Channel Secret
!unsecretchan - Turns Off The Secret Channel Mode
!passchan - Password Protects The Channel
!unpasschan - Takes Off Password Protection For The
!joinchan - Makes The Bot Join The Channel You Specify
!leavechan - Makes The Bot Exit The Channel You Specify
!leaveallchans - Makes The Bot Exit Every Channel That It's
.chanjoin - Makes The Bot Join The Channel You Specify
(Type Command In A Query Window - or use /msg botsnamehere)
.chanleave - Makes The Bot Exit The Channel You Specify
(Type Command In A Query Window - or use /msg botsnamehere)
Bots Commands>

!remember - Displays The Last Command That Was Used,
And Who Used It
!kstats - Displays How Many Times The Bot Has
Kicked/Banned People Privately/Publicly
!visitors - Displays How Many Users Have Been Seen By
The Bot
!fullstats - Displays The Bots Full Stats
!trivadmin - Opens the Trivia Admin Center so you can add questions
!pgmode - Turns the Ping Mode on/off (lets normal users use the !ping command)
!rehash - Reloads All Of The Bots Files
!botoff - Turns The Bot Off Temporairly
!boton - Turns The Bot Back On
!reload - Disconnects Then Reconnects The Bot
(solves lag problems)
!shutdown - Shuts The Bot Down
!restart - Restarts The Bot
!addassistant - Adds An Assistant To The Bots User List
!delassistant - Deletes An Assistant From The Bots User
!addjanitor - Adds A Janitor To The Bots User List
!deljanitor - Deletes A Janitor From The Bots User List
!download - Tells Where The Bot Can Be Downloaded
!redo - Makes Bot Exit Then Re-enter A Channel
You Specify
!silview - Views The Silence List
!ignview - Views The Ignore List
!clearlinks - Clears The Link List
!kreset - Clears The Kick Stats
!gbclear - Clears All Messages In The Guestbook
!mbclear - Clears All Messages In The Message Board
!hlclear - Clears All The Scores In The Higher/Lower
!seclear - Clears All Seen Files.
!trivclear - Clears All Scores In The Trivia Game
!visclear - Clears The Number Of Seen Users
.chgpass - Changes Your Password (Type Command In A Query Window - or use /msg botsnamehere)
.logout - Logs You Out (Type Command In A Query Window - or use /msg botsnamehere)
Protection Commands>

!protect - Protects The User You Specify From Kicks,
exc. (Don't Use On Operator's, They Are Automatically Protected)
!unprotect - Removes The User You Specify From The Protect List.
!comkick - Turns The Command Kick On/Off. Kicks All
Non-Operators Who Try And Use More Than 3 Commands In 30 Seconds.
!floodkick - Turns The Floodkick On/Off
!swearkick - Turns The Swearkick On/Off
!bnick - Turns The Bad Nick Kick On/Off
!bkp - Turns The Ban/Kick Protection On/Off
!dop - Turns The Deop Protection On/Off
!adk - Turns The Advertisment Kick On/Off
Make sure you type all commands that start with an exclamation point
(!) in a channel that the bot is in, and all commands that start with a
period in the msg window.

Total Bot Commands*: 171
*Some of these commands are contained within modes such as the Trivia
Game and are only accessible by the higher levels of operators of the
Copyright 1999-2001 by Matthew Holt